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The American Karate Academy will be hosting a full weekend with Shifu Kanishka Sharma.   Shifu developed a system which incorporates six martial arts into one to create the most effective combatives training available.  It focuses on all ranges of training along with edge and impact weapons. 

Please visit the Shifu Kanishka Sharma website for more information. 


Tuhon Shifu Kanishka


Two weekend Seminars with Shifu Kanishka:
Two Days in each seminar

12 - 4
$130 for one day or $225 for both days


June 24th and 25th - PTK Seminar
July 1st and 2nd - Combatives Seminar

To register please call
Tuhon Bobby Ladra 443-484-0008 or
Sensei Mark Clark  301-698-5468

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